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   Wang Yunsheng, born in 1925, is from Tonghai county of Yunnan province. His carrier can be divided into four 20-year periods in general. The first was for learning and study, but he failed to finish his university education due to lack of fund. The second and third were for teaching in several middle schools and Normal College in Kunming. In the fourth 20 year period he was working as a staff-member of Yunnan Institute for Traditional Sinology. He was determined to devote himself to arts and literature when he was young, and started to write whenever possible. 12 collections were finished and published, and four collections were self printed. Self Portrait was one of his short poems describing himself, which goes as follows:
   I was born in nineteen twenty five, year of ox,
   Looking back to my life, situation is always poor.
   Fond of learning when I was young, till my hair became white,
   For years I was working hard, teaching and researching.
   Enjoying literature and history, leisure and free,
   My essays show my direction, happiness and worries.
   Fame and fortune are not what I am looking for.
   I love my garden and share with other people.






朱惠荣,1936 年生,贵州兴义人。云南省文史研究馆馆员、云南大学历史系教授、博士生导师。被表彰为全国优秀教师、云南省有突出贡献的社科老专家,享受国务院特殊津贴,获伍达观教育基金最高奖项杰出奖。长期从事中国古代史和历史地理的教学与研究,参加国家重点科研项目《中国历史地图集》的编绘。主要著作有选本《徐霞客游记》、《徐霞客与< 徐霞客游记>》等,《徐霞客游记校注》、《徐霞客游记诠译》分别在云南、贵州和台湾出版。主编《中华人民共和国地名词典·云南省》、《云南通史》第二卷,参编《中国历史地名大辞典》,古籍整理《肇域志》等。

Zhu Huirong, born in 1936, is from Xingyi county of Guizhou province. He is now a staff-member of Yunnan Institute for Traditional Sinology, professor of history department of Yunnan University, tutor for doctorial students. He was recognized national excellent teacher, veteran expert with outstanding achievements in sociology in Yunnan, enjoying special allowance from State Council. He won the highest prize issued by Wudaguan Education Foundation. He has been teaching and researching Ancient History of China and Historical Geography. He once participated in compiling Album of Chinese Historical Maps-a key state-level project . His major publications are Travel Notes of Xu Xiake, Xu Xiake and His Travel Notes. Annotates to Travel Notes of Xu Xiake, Interpretation in Modern Chinese of Travel Notes of Xu Xiake have now been published respectively in Yunnan, Guizhou and Taiwan. He is also chief editor of Yunnan Volume of Chinese Gazetteer, the second volume of General History of Yunnan , and editor of General Gazetteer of Chinese Historical Places. Mr. Zhu has also proof read, collated and annotated Zhao Yuzhi-A General Topography of China in the 17th Century.



张长,原名赵培中,白族,1938 年生,云南云龙人。云南省文史研究馆馆员,中国作家协会会员,中国散文学会理事,国家一级作家。发表诗歌、散文、中短篇小说约350万字。出版作品小说集18 种。作品《空谷兰》获1979 年全国优秀短篇小说奖( 后纳入鲁迅文学奖);《希望的绿叶》获第一届全国少数民族文学奖;《最后一棵菩提》获第二届全国少数民族文学奖;《太阳树》获第五届骏马奖;2006 年获云南省文学艺术成就奖。一些作品被译成英、法、日文,海内外十余种辞书均收有张长及其作品辞条。

Zhang Chang, whose former name was Zhao Peizhong, of Bai nationality, born in 1938, is from Yunlong county of Yunnan province. He is a staff-member of Yunnan Institute for Traditional Sinology, member of China Association of Authors, councilman of China Association of Essay, national first level author. The press has published more than 3.5 million words of his works in poems, essays and novels, 18 collections of his novels have appeared. His works Orchid in Empty Valley won national excellence award for short story (this award was merged in Luxun Award of Literature later on) in 1979, Green Leaves of Hope won prize in the first session of National Ethnic Literature, The Last Linden Tree won the second award for minority nationality Literature. Tree of Sun won the 5th Award of Horse. He carried off Art and Literature Achievement Award in Yunnan in 2006. Some of his works have been translated into English, French and Japanese. More than 10 literature dictionaries published domestically or  internationally have the entry of Zhang Chang and His Works.

